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Addison Court is registered to provide accommodation for up to 70 people who need nursing and personal care. It provides a service primarily for older people, including people with dementia. It is owned and operated by the provider Malhotra Care Homes Limited. At the time of our inspection there were 53 people accommodated there. It is registered to provide accommodation for up to 70 people who need nursing and personal care.
Start your latest adventure in the upscale atmosphere of The Addison of Fayetteville, where the professional nursing staff is available around the clock. The care team handles housekeeping, personal laundry, building maintenance, and landscaping services, so you can focus on doing what you love each day. Residents in need of memory care may receive additional support through this community’s “embrace” program, which focuses on person-centered, holistic-style memory care.
Frequently Asked Questions about Pennine View
There is no charge whatsoever to appear in it, and we welcome a photo and descriptive text to enhance the presentation of your home. Just be aware that we do not provide housing or care services ourselves, so we cannot accept applications for housing and do not have any control over the services listed on our site. We have recently been able to open EAC Advice, a new 'housing options' advice service for older people. Care homes are regulated by independent Inspectorates in each country of the UK, subject to periodic inspections and awarded quality grades.
The service had a registered manager in post and the provider had in place systems to monitor the quality of the service people received. Staff completed a range of training, such as safeguarding, health and safety, fire awareness, nutrition, dignity, moving and handling, dementia awareness, infection control and first aid. The system the registered manager used to monitor staff training demonstrated that training had not been delivered regarding breakaway training or the Mental Capacity Act. Some care homes are registered to provide personal care only, for example help with washing, dressing and giving medication.
About Housing Plus – Assisted Living
We found that people who use the service did not always receive their medicines at the times they need them, and in a safe way. We carried out an unannounced comprehensive inspection of this service on 22 October, 6 and 9 November 2015. Three breaches of legal requirements were found relating to safe care and treatment, good governance and notifying the Care Quality Commission of relevant events and incidents. This report only covers our findings in relation to those legal requirements. You can read the report from our last comprehensive inspection by selecting the 'all reports' link for Addison Court on our website at About the service Addison Court is a residential care home providing personal and nursing care to up to 70 people.
A majority of homes aim to cater for both, but some target only one or the other. At Addison Court, specially trained staff are on hand 24/7, providing a range of specialist care support during the day and peace of mind that help is at hand overnight in an emergency. Pendle Brook Care Home in Accrington supports residents with specialist residential and residential dementia care in a loving, friendly environment.
Guidance for providers
Addison Court offers ample parking space in three different areas around the home, with dedicated disabled spaces near the entrance. All the gardens in and around the home are disabled friendly so that all people, residents and visitors can enjoy them throughout the year. All rooms offer a good sized living space which is not cramped, even when furniture is in place.
The overall rating for the service has not changed and remains good based on the findings of this inspection. For those key questions not inspected, we used the ratings awarded at the last inspection to calculate the overall rating. All website content copyright Carehomes UK © 2022 or the care home owners unless otherwise stated. Our Housing Directory aims to include all housing schemes /developments in the UK that are intended for older people.
Although Addison Court caters mainly for people who are over 60, we take each individual into account and will accept younger people into our care. Memory care facilities provide housing, care, and therapies for seniors who have Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia in an environment designed to reduce confusion and prevent wandering. Our infection prevention and control inspections look at how well people using a service are kept safe from the spread of infections. – the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. We found concerns over the management of medicines, staffing arrangements and record keeping within the home.
They would not show me the memory care unit where my loved one would be staying. We saw some fire doors had been prevented from closing and the some equipment servicing was overdue. People's care was not always accurately assessed or planned in a way that ensured they received appropriate care and treatment. Accurate care plans were not in place for a recently admitted person. A member of the management team was available on call for advice and support and in case of emergencies. We saw the service had policies and procedures in place in relation to the safeguarding of adults.
We saw the building was safely managed and equipment was recently serviced and maintained. We saw the provider had a written complaints policy and procedure, which detailed the process that should be followed in the event of a complaint. The registered manager told us, and records confirmed that no complaints had been received by the service within the last six months. People's needs had been assessed before they moved into the home. Care records for people at the service were reviewed regularly to make sure that the information was accurate and up to date. Where people's needs had changed, their care plans were updated more frequently.
The frequency of management audits for medicines and infection control, although undertaken, had reduced. Staff practice was not always improved when issues were identified. For example, hand hygiene and medicines storage issues identified through internal audits had not been resolved.
This unannounced inspection took place on 1 and 5 December 2016 and 26 January 2017. This had been a focused inspection following up on previous inspection in October and November 2015. In June 2016 we found two breaches of the regulations, specifically Regulation 12, safe care and treatment, and Regulation 17, good governance.
The purpose-built home has been specially designed to minimise the stress and... Our Housing Plus – Assisted Living developments offer modern and accessible housing and care for people who need support to live independently. See CQC's page explaining ratings for more details about ratings and inspection practices of care homes in England. Amore Addison Court is a purpose built home which caters for people who require varying degrees of help in their day to day lives.
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